
      Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or faithfulness, in which Hassan and other characters expresses numerous instances of loyalty in the story. The story shows different levels of how you can express loyalty, and get betrayed as a result. Below are a few examples.
        One day Hasan and Amir were bored so they decided to go climb their tree. As Hassan and Amir are traveling to go to their tree their stopped by Assef, and his disciples Wali and Kamal. Assef oppress them and then threatens to hit Amir with his brass knuckles, but with fear Hassan stands up for him. Hassan pulls out his slingshot as protection, and goes on to threaten Assef by saying "They'll have to change your name from the 'The Ear Eater' to 'One Eyed Assef '". Not taking any chances Assef says it is not over, and then precedes to leave them alone. 
      Another example of loyalty is when Amir wins the kite fighting tournament, Hassan promises to run the last kite for him. While running the kite he runs into Assef and his gang who precedes to chase him into a alleyway. Assef then gives Hassan an option to give up the kite, Hassan says "Amir agha and I are friends" believing him and Amir are friends, and being the loyalist he is he did not give up the kite for the sake of Amir. Not taking the option given he was viciously raped by Assef, yet still having the strength to return the kite to Amir.

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